Not all who wander are lost, but they are usually hungry


You will notice that from time to time I post about restaurants, stores and other businesses. I only post places where I have been a customer and thought the experience noteworthy. I do not receive any payment from them for this. Most of these are small businesses and all of them provided me with good food or a good product or service, so I’m happy to support them.

I sometimes include Amazon Affiliate Links to cookbooks or products in a post. These links have a special tracking code. This means if you click on an affiliate link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. The price of the item is the same whether it is an affiliate link or not. Regardless, I only recommend books and products I believe will be useful or enjoyable to my readers. By using the affiliate links, you are helping support my website. I appreciate your support – it helps me keep the website up and running!